Home > Online Store > Strings > Cello > Pirastro Cello Strings > Pirastro Passione Cello Strings
Pirastro Passione Cello String, A - medium - 4/4
- Manufacturer: Pirastro
- Brand: Passione
- Instrument: Cello
- Material: Steel
- Size: 4/4
- Gauge: Medium
- Product #: SPA30M
Pirastro Passione Cello String, A - medium - 4/4 from Pirastro.
The new Passione Cello steel strings offer a remarkable full-bodied and round sound, with a complex overtone spectrum.
- Inspiring pearly resonance combined with great longevity
- Complex overtone spectrum, inspiring warmth
- Remarkable full-bodied, rich and round sound
- Precise and focused sound up to the highest register
- Outstanding quick response
- Smooth transition from A to D
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