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Acurite Digital Indoor Thermometer with Hygrometer
- Manufacturer: Acurite
- Product #: DHY03
The AcuRite Digital Humidity & Temperature Monitor allows you to check comfort conditions at a glance with this indoor humidity gauge and thermometer combination.
- Indoor humidity sensor
- Indoor temperature sensor (degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius)
- Humidity level meter indicates high, low or ideal indoor conditions
- Daily high and low temperature and humidity records
- Temperature trend arrow
- Totally wireless tabletop or magnet-mountable design
- Indoor Temperature Range: 32 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit; 0 to 50 degrees Celsius
- Temperature Accuracy: +/- 2 degrees Fahrenheit
- Indoor Humidity Range: 16% to 98% Relative Humidity
- Power:1 AA alkaline battery (not included)
- Dimensions Display: 3.6-inches Height x 3.3-inches Width x 1.4-inches Depth
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