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40 Melodious and Progressive Studies

  • Price: 19.97 USD
  • Instrument: Cello
  • Sub Category: Cello Methods, Studies, Scales & Excerpts
  • Composer: Lee, Sebastian
  • Publisher: Schott
  • Publisher Code: 49044879
  • ISBN: 979000
  • Product #: LEE029

  • 40 Melodious and Progressive Studies published by Schott.

    for cello, Opus 31, Vol. 2: Nos. 23-40

This collection was used as a standard work for cello lessons at the Paris Conservatoire in the 19th century. This new edition marks any departures from the original edition and useful tips and practice suggestions.

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40 Melodious and Progressive Studies
40 Melodious and Progressive Studies40 Melodious and Progressive Studies

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