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Musical Instruments: The Memory Game

  • Precio: 28.56 USD
  • Editora: Henle
  • # Producto: GAME075

  • Musical Instruments: The Memory Game publicado por Henle.

Musical instruments - The Memory Game

Find the paired cards in this extraordinary memory game, exclusively available from G. Henle Publishers! Each pair of cards placed side by side shows a musical instrument.

With 44 pairs of pictures (88 cards) in a very userfriendly storage tray of a sturdy, high-quality box with magnetic latch (21.7 × 16.0 × 7.6 cm). Includes image captions and game instructions. For 2-8 players aged 8 years and up

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Musical Instruments: The Memory Game
Musical Instruments: The Memory GameMusical Instruments: The Memory Game

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