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Polish Dance

  • Precio: 11.81 USD
  • Instrument: Violín
  • Sub Category: Violín y piano
  • Compositor: Severn, Edmund
  • Editora: Bärenreiter
  • Redactor: Sassmannshaus, Kurt
  • Publisher Code: BA 10750
  • ISBN: 9790006559480
  • # Producto: SEVER005

  • Polish Dance publicado por Bärenreiter.

Edmund Severn (1862-1942) was an American composer and violinist. Born in England, he studied in various cities including Berlin and composed works for unaccompanied violin, orchestra and string quartet.

"Polish Dance" is his best-known work. Written in the style of a mazurka, it is an invitation to this dance form with its distinctive local colour. Many ritardandos and rubatos add rhythmic spice; wide leaps, double stops and three-note chords ensure delightful melodic and harmonic turns. Expressive dynamics provide the necessary vim to this "Polish Dance"!

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