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Thomastik-Infeld Belcanto Double Bass Strings

Belcanto Double Bass Strings have a specially twisted steel rope core and intonate extremely well. They have exceptional tuning ability and sustain sound better than most other arco string brands. They have a dark and warm tone with excellent resonance and a wide range of tone colours. Quick bow response for Classic. Natural pizzicato sound for Jazz.

Thomastik-Infeld Belcanto Double Bass Strings

Belcanto Double Bass String G - medium Belcanto Double Bass String G
- Medium

46.86 USD
Belcanto Double Bass String D - medium Belcanto Double Bass String D
- Medium

59.65 USD
Belcanto Double Bass String A - medium Belcanto Double Bass String A
- Medium

72.43 USD
Belcanto Double Bass String E/C Ext Belcanto Double Bass String E/C Ext
90.19 USD
Belcanto Double Bass String E - medium Belcanto Double Bass String E
- Medium

90.19 USD
Belcanto Double Bass String Low B (H5) Belcanto Double Bass String Low B (H5)
100.13 USD

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