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The Mozart Effect Music for Children Vol. 3 CD

  • Precio: 9.42 USD
  • Editora: The Children's Group
  • ISBN: 189644959X
  • # Producto: CAMPB005

The Mozart Effect Music for Children Vol. 3 CD - Mozart in Motion
Studies have shown that the music of Mozart has a powerful effect on the intellectual and creative development of children to inspire right-brain, creative processes, increase concentration and memory, improve body movement and co-ordination, and enhance mood, motivation and pacing.
Based on educational and psychological studies and up-to-date research in learning and creativity, the music on this recording has been carefully selected according to tempo, key signatures, color and texture in order to provide a rich listening and learning experience for all children.
Featuring world-class performances of some of Mozart's most powerful - and playful - compositions, including excerpts from Don Giovanni, The Magic Flute, Symphony No. 40, German Dances, various serenades and much more.

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The Mozart Effect Music for Children Vol. 3 CD
The Mozart Effect Music for Children Vol. 3 CD

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